
Misshapen sperm
Misshapen sperm

misshapen sperm

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a type of IVF technique, in which a single sperm is injected directly into an egg to fertilise it. The fertilised egg is then returned to the woman's womb to grow and develop. In vitro fertilisation (IVF) may be an option if you have a slightly low sperm count and you've been trying to conceive naturally with your partner for at least 2 years.ĭuring IVF, an egg is removed from the woman's ovaries and fertilised with sperm in a laboratory.


Read more about how to improve your chances of becoming a dad.

  • staying in good shape, exercising regularly and having a healthy, balanced diet.
  • moderating your alcohol consumption and stopping smoking.
  • You can help maximise your chances of conceiving by: Many couples conceive within the second year of trying. Your doctor may initially suggest trying to conceive naturally for a little longer. If you or your partner has been diagnosed with a low sperm count, there are several options available.
  • certain medications, including testosterone replacement therapy, long-term anabolic steroid use, cancer medications (chemotherapy), some antibiotics and some antidepressants.
  • excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and using drugs such as marijuana or cocaine.
  • previous surgery to the testicles or hernia repairs.
  • varicoceles (enlarged veins in the testicles).
  • a genital infection such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea or prostatitis (infection of the prostate gland).
  • a structural problem – for example, the tubes that carry sperm being damaged and blocked by illness or injury, or being absent from birth.
  • having had undescended testicles as a baby.
  • a genetic problem such as Klinefelter syndrome.
  • a hormone imbalance, such as hypogonadism (reduced hormone production).
  • Sometimes problems with sperm count and quality are associated with:

    misshapen sperm

    In many cases, it's not obvious what causes a low sperm count. See how to use self-test kits safely for more about the issues of home-testing. It's better to see your GP for a proper semen analysis at an accredited laboratory if you're concerned about your fertility. While these tests might sometimes give a useful indication of your sperm count, they may also give you false reassurance or may suggest your sperm count is low when it's actually perfectly normal.

  • some kits only check the number of sperm, not other things that can affect fertility such as how well the sperm are able to move (motility) – it's best to use a kit that measures both these things.
  • some home-testing kits classify a low sperm count as under 20 million sperm per millilitre of semen, but more recent international guidelines state that anything above 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen is normal.
  • although research by the manufacturers suggests these tests can give an accurate indication of sperm count, they have not been extensively studied.
  • misshapen sperm

    It may be tempting to try one of the tests if you would rather not see your GP, but you should be aware that: These tests claim to indicate whether your sperm count is low. There are several male fertility home-testing kits available to buy from pharmacies.

    misshapen sperm

    Your GP can refer you to a specialist in male infertility at your local hospital or fertility clinic if any problems are found. This will normally be performed after 3 months. If the results are not normal, the test should be repeated to ensure it was accurate. The results are usually available within a week. This is where a sample of semen is analysed to check the quality and quantity of the sperm. One of the tests your GP can arrange is a semen analysis. It's important to understand what the exact issue is before you decide on your next steps. It's a good idea for both you and your partner to get advice, as fertility problems can affect men and women and often it's a combination of both. See your GP if you have not managed to conceive after 1 year of trying for a baby. There are treatments available on the NHS or privately that can help you become a dad if you have a low sperm count. They're a factor in around 1 in 3 couples who are struggling to get pregnant. Problems with sperm, including a low sperm count and problems with sperm quality, are quite common. Having a low sperm count can make it more difficult to conceive naturally, although successful pregnancies can still occur. A low sperm count, also called oligozoospermia, is where a man has fewer than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen.

    Misshapen sperm